Thursday, January 3, 2008

King Phillip the Second was the king of Macedonia. He conquered Acient Greece, which it was very easy for him because Greece was separated into city-states and it was easy to defeat small armies. King Phillip the Second died at his daughter's wedding, when one of his body guards had stabed him in the back. Then Alexander the Great, his son took over. He continued to conquered new lands such as Egypt, Persia, and India. All this convination that he conquered became a Hellenistic Culture. Alexander was very clever. He had very good techniques to attack others such as the siege tower.

What were the benefits of Alexander's techniques?

King Phillip the Second

Alxander the Great

By: Kairy Garcia

1 comment:

Chad Gleason said...

Excellent Job! The details you are including like the seige tower are great. Make sure to explain details that your readers might not understand though.